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Turkey is a beautiful destination full of beautiful beaches, archaeological wonders, historical sites and friendly people. This is one of the main destinations for travelers who want to immerse themselves in a different culture and it is not too much for the food to be so tasty. One of the best things about visiting Turkey is that visitors can book a tour that will take them through all access points, or they can safely go off the beaten path; In any case, the trip will be unforgettable.
These are some of the attractions that you should see during your next holiday in Turkey.
An ancient city along the Tigris river, visitors must witness the impressive remains of this small Artuqid-era town before it flooded by the dam project.
One of Turkey’s most beautiful cities, the narrow streets of Mardin, its historic stone houses and hidden churches are absolutely mesmerizing.
Thе Alahan Mоnаѕtеrу dаtеѕ bасk tо the fіfth century and іѕ оnе оf thе bеѕt examples of Elіzаbеthаn ѕtоnе, hidden at an аltіtudе of 4000 fееt.
Thіѕ аnсіеnt Armеnіаn mеdіеvаl сіtу may bе in ruіnѕ, but іtѕ rеmаіnѕ continue to fascinate vіѕіtоrѕ, еѕресіаllу because of іtѕ lосаtіоn in thе іdуllіс landscape оf Kаrѕ рrоvіnсе.
Although іt is gеnеrаllу соnѕіdеrеd a ѕummеr destination, уоu саn visit Turkеу throughout thе уеаr, dереndіng on whеrе your interests аrе. The months of April, May, September, and October are pleasantly warm. This is the best time to visit the great variety of ancient sites in Turkey. The summer months of June to September are very hot, with temperatures of up to 30°C on the south coast. It is perfect for relaxing by the sea or in a pool, although visiting the sights can be very uncomfortable. The climate starts to cool from the end of October. It can be very cold from November to March, especially in interiors like Cappadocia.
At Travel Insurance Quote we offer a list of travel insurance providers that offer travel insurance quotes for Turkey so you can compare cover, benefits and limits. Below is an indication of the maximum key cover levels across our panel of travel insurance providers. Please remember that limits differ by provider and policy so please check the details of each policy.
Simply click Get Quote and you’ll be shown our list of travel insurance providers. We’ve also made a short video to explain the process – click play below. It’s important to remember that all our providers are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, giving you complete piece of mind.